Survey System

How does it work?

Surveys are built using our structured content editor. This allows survey sections to be added and manipulated along with question and answer data. The editor ensures that the survey structure remains valid and that output and data will be valid.

Surveys can be integrated with our PilotSite CMS or added as an additional service for existing websites. In all cases the survey forms will be styled to match the corporate branding and website and, of course, they will be fully responsive and touch friendly. There is also an auto resume feature allowing responders to start the survey and then re-visit it at a later date. The survey will also remember the users previous answers and what page they were on.

The survey can be made of multiple question types such as short, long answer, multiple choice, rating, agree – disagree and each answer can be set as compulsory if required. We can also cater for custom questions types and create any interactive answer type, based on our customers’ requirements. Surveys also support rich content and images to allow for any type of survey to be created.

Survey Mailing

Our survey system is integrated with PilotSend to handle invitations and to track user engagement, allowing our clients full control of survey related mailing. Mailings are automatically created and pre-filled with relevant details. To save time, follow ups can be sent to thank participants or remind non-responders automatically.

Survey Versioning

The survey system also works with versions allowing a survey to be updated while maintaining existing data. This allows our clients to change questions based on initial responses and then benefit from a more focused set of responses. The survey system will keep track of which version each responder has worked on and make sure that they will always see that version even if they revisit the survey at a later date. When exporting or reviewing the survey responses, the data will be segmented into the versions to allow for meaningful analyses.